
This page shows only the most cited and most recent articles. For full publication list, please navigate to the respective subsections using the navigation panel on the left.


Full Publication List


Most Cited Articles


Vision-Based Target Three-Dimensional Geolocation Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics


Design and Mathematical Modeling of a 4-Standard-Propeller (4SP) Quadrotor

10th World Congress on Intelligent Control & Automation


Systematic Design and Implementation of a Micro Unmanned Quadrotor System

Unmanned Systems


Most Recent Articles


Distributed Fiber Optic Sensing in Landslide Monitoring - A Comparative Review

Journal of Engineering Science and Technology


Development of a Two-Factor Authentication System for Enhanced Security of Vehicles at a Carpark

International Conference on Electrical and Information Technology (IEIT)


COAA* — An Optimized Obstacle Avoidance and Navigational Algorithm for UAVs Operating in Partially Observable 2D Environments

Unmanned Systems


Real-time and Automatic Map Stitching Through Aerial Images from UAV

Journal of Physics Conference Series


Autonomous Tracking and Landing on Moving Ground Vehicle with Multi-rotor UAV

Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology


Wi-Fi CSI Based Human Sign Language Recognition using LSTM Network

IEEE International Conference on Industry 4.0, Artificial Intelligence, and Communications Technology (IAICT)

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